
loving the creation of small children.

Here is a conversation that occurred due to granny's absence for six days. please remember that this is between a three year old and his grandmother.

GrannyD: Devlin it seems like i haven't seen you in a very long time!

Devlin: like how many years do you think?

GrannyD: Well, it seems like 10.

Devlin: well that's not very long!

Devlin: it seems like a hundred and 50!


The Wizzle said...

Heh. It's from Nemo - sea turtles live to be 150 years old!

Hanna Ellsworth said...

hahaha!! that is so cute!! see you tomorrow!!

Kate said...

Love it. :)

SHERIDAN said...

hey i didnt know you had a blog! heres mine sheridandance.blogspot.com