
Holy awesome Possum Cars!!!

What Car Would You Be?

You would be part Mini Cooper. Everywhere you go, you turn heads with your charm and charisma. You're no deep thinker, but taking life seriously can be such a drag!
You would be part Toyota Prius. You live life with practicality and innovation. You may not be the flashiest kid in town, but your quirkiness and smarts get you noticed.
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com

Could I be more pleased with these results? I thinketh not. well, I thinketh, but not that I could be more pleased. These are the two of the most singly coolest cars on the face of the planet! you might be thinking this- what the heck is a stinkin' prius??!!! little did you know, it is like the bomb.com times infinity! look it up.

1 comment:

Mark Dixon said...

I was a stretch Hummer. :)