Suppose I should blog about Girls' Camp that ended like three weeks ago...
It was grand, if I do say so myself.
Here are my absolutely Stupendous YCL's {Maddie Moffat and Katie Wilson}...
Our awesome skit with me as the Great Genie of Gratitude...
Me and my mommy...
My HILARIOUS buddy {Rachel U.}...
It's FOG, dawg...
And the awesome Jammin' therof...
I heart camp, yo.
Srry about the getto thing with one of the pictures. I don't know what happened...
And sorry about the getto typo in the last comment...
Way to have happy memories @ girls camp dawg...i'm proud of you. Also...fog still sings at girls camp? Awesome.
i always loved girls camp too! it was THE BEST! kimball stake rules & so does fog! {how was sleeping in cabins btw? we always did the old school tents, mostly at the dust bowl aka taylor ranch!}
It was a good time, wasn't it? Wow, maybe I can do this again. year it is tent city. Sigh.
yah cabins were cool. Ha! we went to taylor ranch last year and I think the nickname you gave it is like the funniest thing I have ever heard. hahaha.
ok i seriously love you hollY! you are sop stinkin cute. yay now we can be friends on blog girlfriend. well your cute and i hope you and your fam is doing well.
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